of Boo
A unique NFT card game
The Worlds of Boo Card NFT game is an exciting collectible game in which you can combine your cards to create completely new and unique fighters!
NFT Game
The card collection consists of 1000 characters. 500 regular characters and 500 more enhanced versions of them.
The setting of the game Worlds of Boo tells about the tournament of the Monstrous Hermite — a competitive battle between planets and their inhabitants.

In the process of collecting and combining maps, you will be able to explore the world and its features more deeply, as well as learn the fate of key characters.
You can select the cards you like and combine them. Each time a card is combined, a new card is obtained with a unique set of characteristics that it gets from its parent cards.

Also, when you combine the cards, you will get a new and unique map view! And no one else will have such a card! You can combine not only cards of the same race, but also, for example, cross a robot and a monster or a human and a demon.
1000 NFT
Rarity Levels
Common NFT
Most of the fighters of the tournament. Versatile and affordable.
Rare NFT
Rare fighters are able to bring tactical diversity to your squad. Also, most rare fighters have special skills.
Legendary NFT
Legendary fighters are able to significantly strengthen your squad. Their increased survival rate will help you win more and more victories!
Races of the
Worlds of Boo
All the creatures of the Worlds of Boo are divided into certain races. Races, in turn, affect the overall characteristics of the cards. There are faster, more tenacious, or more destructive ones. The race of people in the Worlds of Boo is a universal class.
All cards have their own unique, non-repeating set of characteristics. You can recruit fighters to your team depending on your style of play and your preferences
  1. Card Name
  2. Image
  3. Cost
  4. Species
  5. Class
  6. Life
  7. Damage
  8. Protection
  9. Ulta (ability)
Combining cards
The card combination system allows you to create unique cards when combining other cards. In this case, the new card gets not only a new unique look, but also a set of properties of the child cards. This allows you to create incredible new fighters!
Phase 1: Awakening
(Q3 2024)
1 // Initiation and Awakening of the Lords
  • Launch of the Game Interface: The embodiment of the portal through which players can behold the latest Lords of the Worlds of Boo and the results of bloody battles.
  • Awakening of Ancient Runes: Activation of smart contract that enables card stacking and management, ready to accept sacrifices.
2 // Summoning the Warriors of the Worlds of Boo
  • Marketing and Attraction: Summoning through all channels of magic, attracting souls ready to join the battle.
  • Training the Newcomers: Conducting initiation rituals, creating ancient scrolls and guides so that every recruit knows their role.
3 // The First Battle
  • Initial Game Sessions: Conducting the first battles, gathering feedback, and making necessary spell adjustments.
Phase 3: Evolution of WOB
(Q4 2024)
7 // Creating Hybrid Lords
  • Hybrid Mechanics: Establishing rituals for card merging and the emergence of hybrid Lords.
  • Joint Tournaments: Organizing grand tournaments for teams, enhancing social interactions.
8 // Social Alliances
  • Creating Teams and Guilds: Introducing the ability to form teams and guilds, organizing joint tournaments and quests.
  • Joint Tournaments: Organizing grand tournaments for teams, enhancing social interactions.
Worlds of Boo
Development and Implementation Stages after Minting the Main Collection
Phase 2: Consolidating Power
(Q3 2024)
4 // Grand Tournaments
  • Organizing Tournaments: Regular tournaments where warriors can fight for glory and power, earning rare artifacts and bonuses.
  • Special Events: Creating mystical events that heighten interest and engage players in magical battles.
5 // Expanding Power
  • Introducing New Mechanics: Implementing new spells such as card energy and ancient quests.
  • Expanding the Collection: Introducing new cards that add variety and strategic possibilities.
6 // The Ascension of the Golden Lords
  • Activating Bonuses: Awakening unique bonuses for golden cards, such as burn protection and doubling power.
  • Level System: Introducing a system to level up cards, enhancing their power.
Phase 4: Eternal War
(Q4 2024)
9 // Updates and Modifications
  • Continuous Improvements: Updating smart contracts and interfaces, making improvements based on feedback.
  • New Cards and Mechanics: Continuously adding new cards and mechanics to keep the game fresh and engaging.
10 // Expanding Partnerships
  • Collaborations with Other Projects: Expanding the influence of the Worlds of Boo through partnerships and joint events.
  • Cross-promotions: Conducting joint actions and events with other projects.
11 // Community Support
  • Active Engagement: Supporting active communication through forums, social media, and events.
  • Rewarding Active Players: Introducing reward systems for the most dedicated warriors.
Dmitry Sturm is a digital artist, speaker on the topics of digital art, neural networks and NFT. The author of many master classes. Member of the Union of Artists. Participant of many exhibitions of contemporary art. He studied in Finland. Traveled to Africa to get acquainted with the cultural experience.

He has created more than 100 paintings using digital technologies. He presented a portrait to Till Lindemann, the lead singer of the band Rammstein.
Dmitry Sturm
Digital artist / author of the universe
CV of artist
Opening a custom portrait design business

Launching a personal portfolio website

The painting "Illusion" was sent to the Domus Romana Museum

Presentation of the portrait to Till Lindemann (Rammstein)

Joining the international diplomatic club "Amicability"

Exhibition and sale of contemporary art in "Super Chic Miami Art Basel"

1st place in Fine Art Competition in London "Golden Time Talent"

Creation of a series of 45 paintings "Black Lizards"

Release of 3 art catalogues of works (total circulation — 33 pcs.)

The release of the series of works "Whisper" (23 works)

The release of the collection of works "The Flaming Apocrypha"

Participation in the exhibition "Noise" at the Art Maisons Gallery























The universe of the Worlds of Boo is an extensive network of spiral worlds. Which in turn break up into separate star systems.
All races of the Worlds of Boo are under the protection of their Gods. The gods are incredibly powerful mystical entities, waging fierce enmity among themselves. In the center of the pantheon is the Great Mr. Constructor, the creator of the Worlds of Boo.
The star systems of the Bu Worlds consist of separate planets on which the events of the Monstrous Hermite Tournament unfold. Also, many planets can be found in the cycle of stories about Herr Bürgermeister.
A series of works dedicated to the Worlds of Boo grew out of a series of stories about the antihero, Herr Burgmeister. HB is a collective antagonist, personifying all the basest things that can only be in a person.

And a lot of character cards, monsters and robots can be found in the series of stories "The incredible adventures of Herr Burgmeister and Kruglik".